
kok娱乐经济发展 Director Chad Kline’s report from activities in 2019 has been upbeat and positive.

Kline was before the Ossian Town Council last week presenting his report since the council is one of the funders of economic development.

克莱恩解释说,2019年的价格是99美元.Wells县的企业和工业新投资400万美元. 新增28个就业岗位,每年新增工资100万美元.

“That is up about $30 million from the year before and about double from 2017,克莱恩说。.

Far and away the largest investment came from 美国 Axle and Manufacturing in the Jasun Industrial Park in Bluffton. 美国, a Tier 1 manufacturer of drive line and drivetrain components  spent $74 million on new equipment to make parts for General Motors and Ford vehicles. The company received a 10-year tax abatement from the Bluffton City Council on the eqippment in August.

米德兰公司, a large warehousing facility located on West Lancaster Street on Bluffton’s far west side is putting $8 million into a 200,2000平方英尺的扩建设施.

布拉夫顿重建委员会, 是由布拉夫顿市议会成员组成的吗, is using the Adams Street Tax Increment Financing district for a bonding mechanism that will allow Midland to receive approximately $840,000 in repayment of property tax revenues collected from the project for the repayment of a bond obtained by Midland, 克莱恩解释.


•Heartland REMC向Heartland客户提供1000万美元的光纤电缆

• $5.4 million by Weg  Commercial Motors for new equipment at the former Franklin Electric plant at 410 E. 春天的圣. 新设备取代了工厂内老化的设备.

•位于印第安纳州的Haven manufacturing公司的制造设备为514,000美元. 在奥西安以南700北纬1度. 这项投资预计将增加两个新的工作岗位.

• $440,000由奥西安的Perma Column公司提供,用于机器人焊工, 一台数控卧式折弯机和一个冲压模具. 这项投资预计将增加两个新的工作岗位.

•布拉夫顿的Star Engineering公司为一台新车床支付了81,000美元.

“我们也看到了大量的商业投资. This also doesn’t take into account the major investment that Valero is putting into the former Great Plains facility since they’ve purchased it,克莱恩说。.

“我们知道,2019年我们在kok娱乐的投资远远超过1亿美元, 这是非常了不起的,他补充道. 

During the year Kline conducted more than 100 visits with existing businesses and industries in Wells County to discuss expansions, 项目定位, 物流和保留挑战. He also received 55 site leads and submitted 15 responses for information of current qualified available sites. 克莱恩解释说,这15份回复比过去几年有所增加. A lot of the companies out there that are looking for sites are looking for larger existing buildings. 这个州的许多城镇都是光秃秃的建筑工地, 但很少有现成的建筑可供使用.

“Unfortunately we haven’t seen much action from the site leads we’ve submitted but we have from the building leads,克莱恩说。.

kok娱乐经济发展 has also facilitated training programs with 12 Wells County employees attending. 其中许多员工都获得了国家认证.

WCED还为该地区的高中生举办了一个制造日. 参加当天活动的有港湾制造公司, Ossian的包装, 和20/20定制模塑塑料, 椒盐脆饼干公司.,m Almco Steel,和A.T. 法瑞尔,整个布拉夫顿.

“Fifty-five health science education students toured the Haven manufacturing so that they could see the manufacturing side of medical devices,克莱恩说。.

WCED also hosted an internship fair to connect students with local businesses for work-based learning opportunities, 克莱恩说.

He added that WCED continues to make available low interest loans through USDA Rural Business Enterprise grants for small businesses in Wells County.

“失业率继续下降, 然而,我们的就业水平仍不及2016年,克莱恩说。. “它在2017年下降了,从那以后我们一直在上升,”他补充说.

差别并不是很大, 然而, 自2010年以来,就业率达到了14%的峰值,2016年和2014年有304人在韦尔斯县工作,2019年就业159人.

2019年伊始,kok娱乐的失业率为3%.5%然后上升到3%.2月份为6%. 它在3月、5月和7月过山车般起伏,在2点触底.9月份为1%,年底为2%.6%.

“Our unemployment levels may look good in the newspaper but are terrible if you are trying to run a business and are looking for quality employees,克莱恩说。, 这表明,一旦失业率达到那么低的水平, 这意味着剩下的失业者通常, 不管出于什么原因, 失业.

Per capita personal income in the county has increased every year in the county since 2012, 从36美元上涨,从2012年的514美元降至42美元,2018年为730人(2019年的数据尚未公布). 增加5.31 percent from 2017 to 201`8 exceeded that of the rmaining Northeast Indiana region which averaged 4.同期增长了73%. 它还击败了美国.S. 平均4分.在同一时期达到了94%.

在代表印第安纳州东北部的11个县中, kok娱乐的人均个人收入排名第四,克莱恩说。.

kok娱乐2019年的实际国内生产总值为1美元.克莱恩解释说,这一数字为0.63亿美元.3 percent growth from 2017 to 2018 making it the highest percentage growth in the Northeast Indiana Region. 该县的GDP增长率在全州排名第12位.


也是从2017年到2018年, 该县保留并增加了比过去几年更多的居民, 在此期间,有196名居民正增长.

自2013年以来, only in 2013 and 2016 has the county seen an out-migration of residents — 73 in 2006 and 74 in 2016. Despite that, the county continued growing residents, even in 2016, when the numbers were the worst. 2016年,该县仍增加了12名居民.

Most of our population increases have been because more people have been born in the county than have died, 然而,在过去的两年里,我们看到了总体人口的增长.

自2014年以来,该县已有307套新房开工. 2017年的60套新房开工超过了这一趋势. 2019年,有51个新房开工. 23人在布拉夫顿,9人在奥西安,18人在该县的农村地区. 赞斯维尔和马克尔没有新房开工, kok娱乐的另外两个合并城镇人口众多. 


Kline sees the rural home starts catchup to the urban home starts as a troubling trend. “老实说,这是个问题. We want to see concentrated housing growth in the urban areas so that urban sprawl doesn’t happen,克莱恩说。.


“2020年,对于kok娱乐的雇主来说,劳动力供应仍然是一个严重的问题,克莱恩重申道, “But kok娱乐经济发展 continues to work on efforts that will promote the community as a place to maintain and start a new residence.”



• Identify and prepare available land for housing development that will create additional product for an entry-level workforce.

• Initiate a marketing campaign to promote Wells County’s quality of place assets to increase tourism, 人口的吸引力, 人口保持.



•确定项目, 开发计划, and promote Wells County’s Opportunity Zone to increase outside investment in the community.

• Develop marketing strategy to promote Wells County for business investment and growth.


• Apply to receive additional funding to support small business development through USDA Rural Business Enterprise Grant.

kok娱乐经济发展 will continue to work closely with current employers to evaluate additional programs that will assist with industry needs,克莱恩说。.


• Continuing an aggressive effort toward business retention and expansion visits with Wells County industries to identify needs and opportunities.

• Provide necessary assistance to Wells County industry undertaking expansion projects.

• Perform analysis on Wells County’s available industrial sites to promote development.

• Serve in a leadership capacity to develop a brand identity for Wells County marketing efforts.

“2019年是一个很好的、强劲的一年. 我预计2020年将继续保持这种速度,”克莱恩说.

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故事及照片由 格伦Werling; Courtesy of the 新闻-Banner
