


Rock Creek Container 首页s out of Markle building home that has drawn much attention

A new construction company based out of Markle is giving new life to old steel shipping containers.

Rock Creek Container 首页s was started the first of the year with Kyle Decot and Mike Grant at the helm. The company’s current project has garnered some attention around town and beyond.

The hill off County Line Road overlooking the intersection of Curry and Miller streets will be the site of a home made out of shipping containers, 哪些与半拖车有很大不同.

房屋将有三个集装箱高,三个集装箱宽. Three additional containers in the shape of a horseshoe will help create the nearby detached garage, 哪些是用钢桁架完成的, 水泥地板和屋顶.

格兰特说 as far as they know, this will be the largest such home in the region.

上周晚些时候, six of the containers — the ones for the 40-feet-by-56-feet garage and for the basement of the roughly 2,900-square-foot home — were placed on readied foundations with the help of Smith Erectors out of Markle. 这项工作花了大约两个小时才完成, and several passersby stopped to watch the progress throughout the morning.

Ideally, the other six containers for the home will be placed in a couple of weeks.

Decot said initially the goal was to have the project completed by the end of 2020 but after seeing how it’s progressing already, the new goal is to be able to show off the home’s interior by the end of the year.

They are building it as a model home that is available for sale but it’s possible Decot would move into it after the “hype” dies down, 他说.

The company started after the pair talked about building a home together for Decot. 德科特想在乡下建一座谷仓房, but Grant has eyed this hill on County Line Road for some time for a cabin house.

“One thing led to another and we started talking about container houses,” 格兰特说.

一旦他们决定一起建造这个家,他们就去了圣. 来看看一个人长什么样. They also spoke to people from multiple companies that do this work and 格兰特说 they were all helpful in sharing tips, 关于什么可行什么不可行的想法, 以及他们面临的任何障碍.

而不是将它们视为竞争, 格兰特说 they were just excited another company was interested in the work.

The commitment of Grant and Decot was solidified when they bought the property on the hill. Another big piece to the project was securing the financing to move forward.

格兰特说 the bank they used is the only one in the area that finances barn homes so they expanded their financing to include container homes. That could help future business, 他说, since other people could get such homes financed.

If they were going to build a container home, they decided they should start a company. 他们想发表声明.

格兰特说在镇上可以看到那所房子, as it’s not only on a hill but it will be tall with a spiral staircase throughout and a flag pole on top of that.

这可能是唯一的一个,或者他们可能会建造更多. 这要看项目进展如何.

Decot, 谁有制造业的背景,并拥有一家汽车车身店, 他说如果他们再造一栋这样的房子卖掉, he’d be happy that he did something someone else wanted to do too.

德科特说他喜欢艺术,不喜欢“千篇一律的房子”.” He likes houses that people think are cool when they drive by. He wants everything to be different and unique, from the vehicles he drives to the homes he lives in.

“我对创造力有自己的看法,”他说. “When I look at something, you might see trash and I’ll see a piece of art.”

It may be made out of shipping containers, but the interior will be like any other home. 一旦完成, Decot said people will really have to look for the containers to see them within the shape of the home, which will include multiple covered outdoor spaces and a wedged roof.

因为这个项目和公司的消息传出去了, 格兰特说 he gets calls all the time now from all over the country. There’s been a lot of interest and they’ve fielded a lot of questions; although it’s not new, 这个地区的情况非常不同, 格兰特说.

在容器被放置的前一天, 他说 he got a call from a woman in West Virginia who bought 23 acres in Ohio and was looking to build a similar house.

The woman said she was close to Markle and thought it was neat enough to replicate. Grant told her to come check out the home when it’s done so she can see what it would look and feel like.

He said he doesn’t want someone to spend the money and then realize they don’t like it or it wasn’t like they thought it would be. 这不是一个传统的家.

“有些人我不得不告诉他们, ‘嘿, 我很想帮你,但我们只是马克尔的两个男人, 印第安纳州. 我们就是做不到,’”格兰特说.

Not only can they build container homes but they can work on custom projects. 今年早些时候的一个项目是20英尺长, mixed-use unit that the customer wanted to be able to sell items out of at festivals. 他们还提供移动焊接服务.

People have also bought the containers off of them for storage purposes. 在马克尔方圆30英里内交货, 价格从2美元起,600 to $2,800,根据集装箱的大小而定. 他们出售的集装箱有20英尺长,也有40英尺长.

“它们实际上很容易获得. 只要有设备就行了,格兰特谈到集装箱时说, adding they bought a truck and had a custom trailer built for moving the units.

As much as possible, Grant and Decot are using local companies to complete their project. From the dirt and concrete work to the crane placement and the home construction, 都是当地承包商. 

格兰特说 in a Facebook video in late 9月tember that he is happy with the team they have to work on this project.

“我们是一个小镇上的小公司,他说, “我们希望确保我们所做的事情对每个人都有好处.”


“If I can make a go of my business using my best friends and their businesses,德科特说, “我看不出你怎么会输.”

故事及照片由 杰西卡砖; Courtesy of the 新闻-Banner
