Northeast Indiana Designated State’s First 21st Century 人才 Region

韦恩堡,印第安纳州. – Northeast Indiana is officially designated as the inaugural 21st 印第安纳州州长埃里克·霍尔科姆的世纪人才区.

At the Regional Chamber of Northeast Indiana’s annual meeting on Thursday, 小君e 20, Gov. 霍尔科姆, together with Indiana Secretary of Career Connections and 人才 Blair Milo and Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) President Elaine Bedel, 向该地区展示了其官方的21st 世纪人才区域指定.

In partnership with the Office of Career Connections and 人才, 在IEDC和CivicLab的技术协助下, 21st 世纪人才地区计划 encourages local governments, 企业, 教育机构, 非营利组织, and economic and workforce partners to create and implement a plan to increase educational attainment, 提高家庭收入,增加地区人口.

通过全面的, 系统方法, a participating region will identify strategic priorities and projects aimed at helping its communities create a better quality of place, 培养和提高员工的技能, and connect talented Hoosiers with 企业 seeking to fill high-demand, 高工资的工作.

“Regional and local collaboration is key for Indiana communities when it comes to attracting, 培养和连接人才,米洛说. “印第安纳州东北部是培养21人的领头羊stCentury 人才 by seamlessly connecting community team members together to grow the population, increase educational attainment and raise household income.”

The 印第安纳州东北部区域伙伴关系 worked with regional business, community and higher education leaders to identify key priorities for the region to achieve by the year 2030 through 21st 世纪人才区域计划,包括:

  • 发展区域内的合作关系;
  • Encouraging implementation and adjustment of initiatives to meet the goal of growing the region’s population to 1 million residents;
  • Increasing post-secondary education and credential attainment to more than 60 percent; and
  • Raising per capita personal income to 90 percent against the national average.

As part of the initiative, the Office of Career Connections and 人才 recently unveiled 21stCentury 人才 Region Data Display to increase data accessibility, 跨可定制的地理区域组织数据, and inform conversation among regional and local leaders to identify and prioritize collaborative efforts.

瑞安Twiss, vice president of regional initiatives of the 印第安纳州东北部区域伙伴关系, said the state’s designation aligns efforts through common metrics, goals and efforts to provide maximum impact for the state and Northeast Indiana. 

“我们很兴奋,也很荣幸能成为第21家st 国家世纪人才区. It is an honor to help organize the truly collaborative work that led to this designation. This is the result of regional collaboration with many people coming together to provide input and expertise. We think this designation will be an important step as Northeast Indiana works to become a magnet for talent and one of the most prosperous regions in the country,特维斯说。. “This statewide collaboration is critical to our region’s success in the global war for talent and jobs.”


  • Developing collaborative relationships and dashboards within the 11-county region by 小君e 20, 2020; and
  • Encouraging implementation or adjustment of collaborative initiatives to meet the goals of growing the population to 1 million people, increasing postsecondary education and credential attainment to more than 60 percent and raising per capita personal income to 90 percent against the national average by 2030.

“以印第安纳州的经济成功为基础, the state is committed to encouraging communities to plan for their future by promoting regional collaboration and creating long-term strategies focused on quality of place and talent attraction,伊莱恩·比德尔说, IEDC主席. “We're excited that Northeast Indiana is forging ahead with its regional development plan under 21st 世纪人才地区计划, and look forward to working hand-in-hand with communities in other regions to promote the same goals under the program.”

想kok娱乐关于印第安纳州东北部的新闻, 访问网站 或者kok娱乐关于21的信息st世纪人才区域,访问 国家的网站.


The 印第安纳州东北部区域伙伴关系’s mission is to build, market and sell Northeast Indiana to increase business investment. Founded in 2006, the public-private partnership strives to build a globally competitive region. The Partnership’s Vision 2030 framework supports collaborative regional efforts to increase per capita income, 人口增长 and educational attainment by focusing on business attraction, 人才吸引和人才发展. 伙伴关系代表11个成员国:亚当斯, 艾伦, 迪卡尔布, 亨廷顿, 科修斯科山, 拉格朗日, 高贵的, Steuben, 沃巴什, 韦尔斯和惠特利. 欲kok娱乐信息,请访问


The Regional Chamber of Northeast Indiana promotes an environment in which individuals, 企业, 社区可以在全球经济中蓬勃发展. The Chamber’s vision is to move Northeast Indiana confidently toward a limitless future on the strength of 21st Century 人才, World Class Infrastructure and a Competitive Business Climate that fosters investment, 成长与成功. The Chamber represents private sector business in the 11 counties of Northeast Indiana: Adams, 艾伦, 迪卡尔布, 亨廷顿, 科修斯科山, 拉格朗日, 高贵的, Steuben, 沃巴什, 韦尔斯和惠特利. 欲kok娱乐信息,请访问网站



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