2020 was ‘not a slow year’ for economic development

Despite the challenges that 2020 brought with it, 当地企业几乎与前一年在社区投资的数百万美元持平, 根据kok娱乐经济发展年度报告.

Chad Kline, economic development director, 上周向三个政府部门提交了2020年报告, 与布拉夫顿和马克尔官员以及县专员进行了交谈.

“So 2020 was kind of an interesting year, to say the least, 但就经济发展而言,今年对我们来说绝对不是缓慢的一年,” Kline told the Markle council Wednesday.

Last year $96.在kok娱乐投入了800万美元的新投资, bringing in 431 new jobs and committing to adding $15.4 million in payroll.

Two projects account for most of that, he said, 包括北大街上价值4000万美元的公寓综合体项目Premier Flats,以及兰开斯特街Inteva Products价值4200万美元的布拉夫顿扩建项目.

That’s down a little from 2019’s $99.4 million, but still much higher than 2018’s $58.9 million, 2017’s $63.5 million and the $11.2016年,Kline开始追踪这一数据.

克莱恩说,如果去年没有新冠疫情,可能会有更多的投资. 一些公司表示他们撤回了投资. This year looks to be a strong year, he said.


去年与企业的接触看起来有所不同,因为他们希望确保企业获得应对COVID-19所需的资源和信息, furloughs and lay-offs, he said. 去年有100多次企业访问.

Meanwhile, 在疫情期间,该县的失业率受到了打击,但劳动力恢复了. In January 2020, there were 13,935人就业,到年底增加到14人,168.


“Wells County’s average unemployment rate continued to rank as one of the lowest in the state at the start of 2020; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it quickly shot up to 16.3%是由于国家在4月份关闭了企业,”报告称. 一旦重新开放,它迅速下降,超过了威尔斯周围的大多数地区县. Wells County started the year with a 3.失业率为2%,年底失业率为2%.9 percent.”

Multiple projects for 2021 were identified, 包括“通过建立宽带工作组,制定和实施计划,继续在整个kok娱乐发展宽带。.”

A future goal is expand the county’s workforce numbers.

“我们需要在未来五年内增加1000名员工,以满足我们所拥有的公司的承诺,并承诺进入这个社区,” Kline said. “那是在我们停止任何吸引的情况下,我们还没有停止.”

kok娱乐有55个站点线索和15个对当前可用站点信息的回复. The responses were lower, he said, 因为kok娱乐没有足够的建筑库存来支持更多的线索.

克莱恩还谈到了去年启动的营销和旅游工作, 告诉马克尔镇议会,该县的营销工作将提到马克尔,因为它在kok娱乐的部分位置. 这个吸引人才的品牌推出了“活得更好”. Live Wells” slogan and a visitwellscounty.com website was launched.

与此同时,kok娱乐正在采取措施建立一个旅游委员会,他说. 克莱恩指出,亨廷顿县多年来一直有这样的做法,“我们觉得kok娱乐也应该加入进来。.”


“大多数人在真正到达目的地之前就在网上旅游了,”克莱恩说. “所以,如果他们在网上找不到你,就会发现他们可以在网上做什么, then they’re never going to come there. 所以我们要确保我们利用了游客经济. We believe we have great assets in our community, in this county, and we want to make sure people are aware of them.”

去年kok娱乐有66套新房开工, 28 of which were rural, 24 in Bluffton and 14 in Ossian. 2019年为51个,2018年为58个,2017年为60个,2016年为58个,2015年为46个,2014年为34个.

“与2019年相比,kok娱乐2020年的新住房建设大幅增加. 有人担心,由于公司范围内缺乏可用的建筑用地,2021年将难以维持这一增长,” the report said. “农村住房的增长继续与城市住房的开工率保持同步,2019年农村住房开工率为23个,而城市住房开工率为28个,2020年农村住房开工率为28个,而城市住房开工率为38个.”

If more lots are not made available in urban areas, Kline said, 他们将开始看到更多的农村住宅增长,这将导致卫生下水道等基础设施出现更多问题.

There were no new home starts in Markle last year, Kline said, 而在赞斯维尔则没有——两者都是“由于地块供应不足”,” the report said.

“一些社区正在做出重大努力,在2021年开发更多的住房地段,并有可能为住房开发提供奖励,” it added.

A full copy of the report can be viewed HERE.

Story by Jessica Bricker, Courtesy of the News-Banner


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